River Basics
Everything you need to know as you're getting started with River.
Account Management
Learn about changing account details, accessing your documents, and River's security practices.
Learn about your River wallet, buying & selling Bitcoin, and holding & transferring Bitcoin.
Buying & Selling Bitcoin
Learn how to buy and sell Bitcoin with River.
Sending & Receiving Bitcoin
Learn how to transfer Bitcoin and how to become verified for transfers.
The Bitcoin Network
Learn about the Bitcoin network and how it affects your River transactions.
Buying & Selling Bitcoin
How do I buy Bitcoin?
What fees does River charge for buy and sell orders?
Where does River get its exchange rate for Bitcoin?
When will my bank account be debited?
What are Target Price Orders?
How do I set up Target Price Orders?
How do I cancel Target Price Orders?
How do recurring orders work?
How do I set up a recurring order?
How do I cancel a recurring order?
Does River charge a spread?