How do I set up a business account with River?
With River, you can establish an account in the name of your business. Housed as a sub-account under the Authorized Individual's account, this account has all River functionality - you can buy, sell, hold, and transfer funds. Unlike a typical brokerage account which allocates all activity to the authorized SSN, a business account can allocate account activity to the titled EIN. If formal onboarding is not pursued, all BTC on the platform will be a part of your personal brokerage accounts.
River’s onboarding process for business accounts is made simple and easy with the help of our dedicated onboarding team! Our team will be available to answer any questions you have along the way.
There are a few steps included in the onboarding process:
Account Signup - If you are new to River, you will sign up for an account and choose "Business" as your account type. You will be able to fill out both your personal information and your business information.
Document Collection - At this step of the process, documents will be requested depending on your business type and an application will be provided for you to complete.
River Review - River's Compliance team will review your application and documents and provide a status update in 1-2 business days.
Business Account Creation - River will create the sub-account for the business within your authorized user account. You will receive a confirmation email once everything is complete!